Attribute für Active Directory User
In diesem Abschnitt des SelfADSI Scripting Tutorials werden die Attribute von User Objekten im
Active Directory beschrieben. AD Benutzer-Objekte besitzen eine ganze Reihe von Attributen, die über
LDAP und damit auch über ADSI manipulierbar sind. Interessante Links zu diesem Thema:
Bei der Verwendung von Attributen ist anfangs die Tatsache verwirrend, dass es für die AD User Attribute in den Microsoft Dokumentationen sowohl einen AD Datenbank-Namen als auch einen LDAP-Namen gibt - manchmal haben diese Namen leider keinen intuitiven Bezug zur Bedeutung des Attributes oder unterscheiden sich stark voneinander.
Attribute in der Administrationsoberfläche
Von hier aus können Sie auf die Aufzählung der AD User Attribute in den entsprechenden grafischen Administrationsoberflächen springen:
Windows 2012 R2 AD Users and Computers |
Windows 2008 R2 AD Users and Computers |
Services for Unix AD User und Computer |
Archiv / Obsolet:
Windows 2000 / Windows 2003 AD Users and Computers
Exchange 2003 AD Usesr and Computers
Exchange 2007 Exchange Management Console
Alphabetische Liste der User Attribute
accountExpires | adminDescription | adminDisplayName | ADsPath |
altRecipient | altRecipientBL | authOrig | authOrigBL |
autoReplyMessage | badPasswordTime | badPwdCount | c (Country) |
canonicalName | Class | co (Country) | comment |
company | countryCode | createTimeStamp | deletedItemFlags |
delivContLength | deliverAndRedirect | department | departmentNumber |
description | directReports | displayName | displayNamePrintable |
distinguishedName | division | dLMemRejectPerms | dLMemRejectPermsBL |
dLMemSubmitPerms | dLMemSubmitPermsBL | employeeID | employeeNumber |
employeeType | extensionData | extensionAttribute1 - 15 | facsimileTelephoneNumber |
garbageCollPeriod | givenName | homeDirectory | homeDrive |
homeMDB | homeMTA | homePhone | info |
initials | ipPhone | isDeleted | isRecycled |
l (Location) | lastKnownParent | lastLogoff | lastLogon |
lastLogonTimestamp | legacyExchangeDN | lockoutTime | logonCount |
logonHours | mailNickname | manager | |
mDBOverHardQuotaLimit | mDBOverQuotaLimit | mDBStorageQuota | mDBUseDefaults |
memberOf | mobile | modifyTimeStamp | msCOM-UserPartitionSetLink |
msDS-User-Account- Control-Computed |
msDS-UserPassword ExpiryTimeComputed |
msExchHideFromAddressLists | msExchHomeServerName |
msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor | msExchMasterAccountSID | msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable | msExchPoliciesExcluded |
msExchRecipLimit | msExchRequireAuthToSendTo | msExchUserAccountControl | msNPAllowDialin |
msNPCallingStationID | msNPSavedCallingStationID | msRADIUSCallbackNumber | msRADIUSFramedIPAddress |
msRADIUSFramedRoute | msRADIUSServiceType | msRASSavedCallbackNumber | msRASSavedFramedIPAddress |
msRASSavedFramedRoute | msSFU30GidNumber | msSFU30HomeDirectory | msSFU30LoginShell |
msSFU30Name | msSFU30NisDomain | msSFU30Password | msSFU30UidNumber |
name | Name (ADSI Property) | nTSecurityDescriptor | objectCategory |
objectClass | objectGUID | objectSid | otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber |
otherHomePhone | otherIpPhone | otherMobile | otherPager |
otherTelephone | pager | Parent | physicalDeliveryOfficeName |
postalCode | postOfficeBox | primaryGroupID | profilePath |
protocolSettings | proxyAddresses | publicDelegates | publicDelegatesBL |
pwdLastSet | sAMAccountName | scriptPath | seeAlso |
securityProtocol | sIDHistory | sn (Surname) | st (State) |
streetAddress | submissionContLength | telephoneNumber | textEncodedORAddress |
title | unauthOrig | unauthOrigBL | url |
userAccountControl | userCertificate | userParameters | userPrincipalName |
userWorkstations | uSNChanged | uSNCreated | whenChanged |
whenCreated | wWWHomePage |